Theba -- the image segmentation and measurement framework
Theba is a plugin-based image analysis framework for segmentation and measurements of 3D volumes.
Theba comes with a GUI that allows inspection and manipulation of the 3D volume.
It was primarily created for wood fiber segmentation, but efforts have been
made to keep the base architecture as open, modular and reusable as possible
to enable expansion and experimentation in other areas as well.
It comes with implementations for segmentation of tubular objects (tracker-based) and a wide range of plugins.
Theba was created spring 2005 by Jens Bache-Wiig and Per Christian Henden and has been maintained by Per Christian since.
It is written in Java and requires Java 1.5 or later and 256 MB or more ram (512MB or more recommended).
Theba is based on our masters's thesis [pdf]. It was previously called Fibforsk.
Theba is in the public domain! That means you are free to use the program and the source code any way you like.
Check out our getting started guide. And feel free to Contact us!
Version 1.0.4 is out! Get it here!
Included segmentation tools:
- Fibertracker -- The most advanced 3D segmentation tool, made for segmenting tubular wood fibers
- Backtracker -- A simplification of the above
- HHTracker -- The tracker that inspired Fibertracker
- FloodTracker3D -- A simple flood-fill based segmentation tool
Supported measurements:
- Average Young-curvature
- Bending energy
- Circularity
- Convexity
- Eccentricity
- Free Surface
- Internal region count
- Orientation (2D and 3D)
- Size (2D and 3D)
- Solidity
- Surface
Included filters:
- 2/3D dilate
- 2/3D erode
- 2/3D distance map
- 3D median
- 3D watershed
Source code and binaries are available from our sourceforge project page